“This moment! It’s all we ever have. And what delight there is in this moment!” Susan Briscoe
I recently had the good fortune of meeting Susan, the author of the above quote, and her boyfriend, Roy, while on vacation in Costa Rica. First, I met Roy. Roy and I were partners during yoga. We provided support for each other in tree pose. “Big tree, little tree”, our teacher commented.
I felt immediately drawn to them. Roy had a kind, gentle presence, while Susan radiated a peaceful energy. And she was rocking a bald head. At first, it was difficult to know if her baldness was intentional or the result of treatment. A small patch on Susan’s chest gave it away. Susan shared that she has cancer and is living the last days of her life. Susan appeared healthy and vibrant as she spent what could be her last vacation with her devoted boyfriend Roy. It almost didn’t happen as Susan’s health has been declining. If she didn’t mention it though, I wouldn’t have known. Susan shared openly with me about her experience which she has been documenting in her blog, The Death Project https://susanbriscoe.wordpress.com/ . Susan is a believer and example in the art and practice of ‘letting go’ and ‘living in the moment’. She spends her time celebrating life, celebrating love despite or in spite of the challenges she faces.
I was deeply touched by this serendipitous encounter. Just prior to leaving for this trip, I learned that one of my son’s essential medications had been discontinued without warning. His doctor was not reachable however the pharmacy agreed to fill this med for another week, believing this was done in error. I became distressed by thoughts of Jordan’s decline and the potential consequences to him, if his meds weren’t available. I imagined all sorts of potential, devastating, consequences to his quality of life. This in turn led to my worrying about how he will manage when I die. I felt anxious and uneasy. I attended the yoga class with Roy, with hopes of feeling grounded again.
I was reminded by the gift of my encounter with Susan and Roy, that when we live in the moment, we are not ruminating about the past or worrying about the future. Rather, we are present, living in the here and now, without judgement. Ruminating, worrying, and fantasizing can limit are ability to truly experience and savor the present moment. It was another reminder to be grateful. A reminder that all will be okay. I was able to relax, and appreciate the opportunity to visit the beautiful country of Costa Rica. Thank-you Susan and Roy!
“What day is it? It's today, squeaked Piglet. My favorite day, said Pooh.” A.A. Milne